
Dream Project: Chinese Minority Ethinic Groups Mapping

Linyu Xiang (Melinda)

Project Description:

The project aims to create an interactive and informative map that explores the diverse ethnic minority groups within China. Through detailed geographical and historical mapping, aim to provide insights into the current and past locations of these minority communities, enhancing understanding and appreciation of their rich cultural heritage. Additionally, the map will delve into shared histories, mythologies, traditions, and unique cultural aspects, fostering a comprehensive and engaging exploration of China’s ethnic mosaic.


The primary goal of this project is to promote cultural awareness and understanding by mapping the locations of Chinese ethnic minority groups, both in their current settlements and historical contexts. By facilitating a dynamic exploration of shared histories, myth stories, and cultural traditions, the project aims to create an inclusive platform that encourages users to appreciate the diversity and unique contributions of each ethnic group. Through this, we hope to foster cross-cultural understanding and celebrate the richness of China’s cultural tapestry.

Methodological Approach:

1. Geospatial Mapping:

    • Utilize GIS technology to create a dynamic map showcasing the current and historical locations of Chinese ethnic minority groups.
    • Implement interactive features that allow users to explore changes in settlement patterns over time.
    • Literature review to gather relevant information. Some information could be found here.

    2. Cultural Narratives and Shared Histories:

    • Curate information on shared histories and myth stories among specific ethnic groups. Some information could be found here.
    • Implement clickable points on the map, enabling users to access detailed narratives related to each ethnic community.

    3. Imaginary World or Map Creation:

    • Develop an interactive component that generates an imaginary world or map based on the shared myth stories and histories of specific ethnic groups.
    • Integrate visual elements that bring to life the unique cultural landscapes and mythical realms associated with each group.

    4. Traditions and Cultural Practices:

    • Compile data on the traditions, including food, clothing, architecture, and other cultural practices of each ethnic group.
    • Implement an accessible interface allowing users to explore and appreciate the diverse cultural elements through multimedia content.


    Beyond creating a map, the goal is to celebrate and understand the diverse cultures within China. The project aims to unveil the geographical and historical locations of these communities, explore shared histories and traditions, visualize imaginary landscapes, showcase traditional practices, and introduce specially crafted Chinese characters for a holistic cultural experience.

    Leveraging GIS technology, the map offers dynamic exploration of current and historical locations. Clickable points reveal narratives, and an interactive module visualizes mythical landscapes. The project will compiled data on food, clothing, and architecture for an immersive journey. Specially crafted Chinese characters add a unique touch. User engagement is crucial – features for comments and contributions ensure a collaborative and evolving project.

    Culture and Dressing Video: 全片来了!献礼中华五十六个民族!2021届清华美院动画毕设 |《万华镜》_哔哩哔哩_bilibili

    Dressing Video: 全网最全五十六个民族变装_哔哩哔哩_bilibili

    More information about Chinese minority ethinic groups:

    中国民族文学网·中国社会科学院民族文学研究所 (cssn.cn)

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